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What To Do When You Don’t Get What You Really Want

We have all been told at one point or another, how life isn’t fair. While this is true, simply knowing this fact alone still doesn’t make us feel any better when something that we really want seems to avoid us. However, when this occurs there are ways of handling the situation that are far more…

How to Make the Commitment to Blogging

If you are at all interested in becoming a blogger and quitting your day job, then you should go with that feeling. Many of us toy with the idea of working online and quitting our jobs but very few have the nerve to set out and actually make it happen. This is a big shame…

A Guide For Busy Women : Finding “Me” Time

They say a woman’s work is never done. A hectic work schedule, combined with trying to balance other areas of your life, may lead to you feeling like you are spinning too many plates in the air at once. With kids, family, work, chores, and the many responsibilities that we have to fulfill, there never…

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